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Unit21 Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained课时练习(含答案)

1、Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1Words and actions should help to unite(团结) and not divide the people. 2His small size prohibited(禁止) his becoming a policeman,which made him sad. 3The problem is that no one can foresee(预见) what will happen in the future. 4All the people stood up to mourn(哀悼)

2、 the great national hero. 5Tom is familiar with the details of office routine(常规) 6His reply was delivered without scarcely a pause(停顿) for breath. 7The fighting is a symptom(征兆) of growing insecurity in the region. 8I walked into the office and told the doctor that I needed a repeat prescription(处方

3、) 9There are many parallels(极相似之处) between the two attacks. 10Finally they won the game because of their good teamwork(协作) .选词填空 wipe out,up to,rather than,be harmful to,leave out 11While retelling the text,youd better not leave out some details. 12It is reported that the heavy fog is harmful to our

4、 health. 13The government has taken some measures to wipe out this disease. 14It is said that up to 200 old people were cheated by this group. 15I like reading books rather than surfing the Internet in my spare time. .单句语法填空 16The old servant has been serving the whole family faithfully(faith) these

5、 years. 17Could you come up with a systematic(system) approach to solving the problem? 18Youd better wash the fruit thoroughly(thorough) before eating. 19Could you tell us what the underlined(underline) sentence means? 20The book described the adaptation(adapt) of plants to different conditions. 21F

6、ood handlers are prohibited from smoking(smoke) in the workplace. 22Francis felt he would like to stop this conversation in its tracks. 23One of my roommates always leaves the light burning(burn) all night long. 能力提升 .阅读理解 (2018 湖北四地七校高二期中联考) Every girl dreams and Li Xie is no exception.She has read

7、 dozens of books on how to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员)Swan Lake is her favorite.She hopes one day her dream will come true.She has taken ballet lessons and all her teachers confirm she is a good student. One day she saw an advertisement that a famous ballerina troupe(演出团) will be performing in her hometo

8、wn.Her thoughts ran wild,“I must meet up with the leader of the troupe and show him my skills.” she murmured to herself. She dressed herself in her ballerina costume and managed to avoid the guards and hid in the dressing room.To her luck,the leader entered and she timidly knocked at the door.She br

9、avely approached him and handed him a bunch of red roses and in her excitement the thorns(刺) pricked her hand but she did not make any complaints about the pain.The leader observed her action as she told him her dream.“Alright,you dance and I will give you my verdict(评审意见)” But half way through the

10、dance he stopped her and said,“Im sorry youre not good enough!” On hearing this, Li Xie ran as fast as her legs could carry her and was ashamed.She gave up her dream. Many years later,she heard that the same ballet troupe was performing in her town again.Bitter memories of the leaders unpleasant wor

11、ds came flooding back to her.This time she was determined to find out why the leader had told her she was not good enough when all her teachers thought otherwise. This was his reply, “I tell this to every student.” She angrily talked back, “Youve ruined my life!” Then she got a further shock,“I reme

12、mber your gift of roses and how the thorns had pricked your fingers but you carried on bravely.If you only had treated ballet like that and did not give up so easily;therefore,you still deserve my verdict!” 语篇解读 本文介绍了一个怀揣梦想渴望成为专业芭蕾舞演员的女孩在追逐梦想的过程中因 遭遇别人的一次否定就轻易放弃了她的梦想,并最终感到懊悔。由此告诉我们凡事不可半途 而废,不能轻易放弃。

13、24According to the whole passage,which of the following can best describe the character of the girl? AFull of flame but stubborn. BProfessional but argumentative. CChildish and narrow-minded. DWeak-willed and easy to quit. 答案 D 解析 推断判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“If you only had treated ballet like that and did no

14、t give up so easily; therefore,you still deserve my verdict!”可知,这个女孩因为团长的一次 否定就轻易放弃了自己的梦想,所以她的意志是薄弱的,并会轻易放弃。故选 D。 25According to the story,what can be inferred from the fourth paragraph? AThe girl wanted to pay the leader back for his unpleasant words. BThe girl recalled the bitter comments of the l

15、eader on her performance. CThe memories were so unbearable that the girl wanted to forget. DThe girl recognized the performance as her another chance to succeed. 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,当这个芭蕾舞表演团又一次来到她的村镇时,她再一 次想起了那个团长严苛激烈的评论,她决定去问清楚为什么在其他老师都认为她优秀的情况 下,这个团长却认为她不够优秀。故选 B。 26The leader said “you still d

16、eserve my verdict” again at last because the leader thought that . Aher ballet skills werent good enough to win his recognition Bshe was supposed to be brave enough just like the thorny rose Cshe should learn to stick to her dreams and not to be defeated easily Dshe was not meant to be an outstandin

17、g ballerina of this troupe 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段的最后一句“If you only had treated ballet like that and did not give up so easily; therefore,you still deserve my verdict!”可知,选 C 项。 27What does the text mainly want to tell us? AA good medicine tastes bitter. BMore haste,less speed. CNever do things by halv

18、es. DPride hurts,modesty benefits. 答案 C 解析 主旨大意题。本文介绍了一个怀揣梦想渴望成为专业芭蕾舞演员的女孩在追逐梦想的 过程中因遭遇别人的一次否定就轻易放弃了她的梦想,并最终感到懊悔。由此告诉我们凡事 不可半途而废,不能轻易放弃。因此 C 项最能表达文章的主旨大意。 .完形填空 (2018 辽宁大连一模) Shutting the door heavily,seven-year-old Vito stormed into the room after school.He 28 himself into the sofa and cried loudly

19、,“Dad,I am very 29 .” Vitos father was quietly listening while working.Vito said,“Joaquin made me lose 30 in front of my friends.I hope he 31 a few particularly bad luck things.” His father went to a corner, 32 a bag of coal and said to Vito, “Son, 33 that white shirt as Joaquin, and the bag of coal

20、 as some bad luck things.Use coal to hit the white shirt. 34 that every time you hit one on the shirt,Joaquin met with a bad luck thing.When you finish hitting all the coal,see what will 35 .” Vito thought the game was 36 .He picked up coal to throw into the shirt.However,the shirt was hung in the 3

21、7 rope.He tried again and again.He 38 throwing all the coal,but only a few on the shirt. Father asked Vito,“How do you feel now?” “It 39 me,but I am happy now.” Father saw his son did not understand his 40 , so he let Vito look in a large 41 .What he could only see from his face was white 42 . Then

22、the father said, “You see, the white shirt did not become particularly dirty, but you have become a 43 person You want a lot of bad luck things on others; the 44 is that the most unfortunate thing 45 on ourselves.There,our bad 46 may cause others to suffer bad luck,but the stains left to us is diffi

23、cult to 47 .” 语篇解读 儿子和同学发生矛盾,因此希望对方倒霉。父亲通过让儿子往白衬衫上扔煤的方 法让他明白:我们的坏想法可能会使别人遭遇霉运,但留给我们自己的污点却很难除去。 28A.threw Benjoyed Csent Dhelped 答案 A 解析 throw 抛,扔;enjoy 喜爱;send 送;help 帮助。根据句中“Shutting the door heavily” 和“stormed into the room”可知,维托当时很气愤和委屈,所以是把自己扔进沙发里,故选 A。 Banxious Cexcited Dangry 答案 D 解析

24、cool 凉爽的; anxious 焦虑的; excited 兴奋的; angry 生气的。 根据句中“Shutting the door heavily”和“stormed into the room”和下文的具体描述可知维托当时很气愤和委屈, 故选 D。 30A.heart Binterest Cface Dhope 答案 C 解析 heart 心脏;interest 兴趣;face 脸;hope 希望。维托说杰奎因让他在他的朋友们面前 丢脸了。lose face 丢脸,故选 C。 31A.runs over Bcomes across Ctakes up Dmakes out 答案 B

25、解析 run over 浏览;come across 偶遇;take up 从事;make out 理解。因为杰奎因让他在他 的朋友们面前丢脸了,所以 7 岁的维托诅咒杰奎因遇到不幸的事。根据常识可知选 B。 32A.found Bsupplied Cspotted Dplaced 答案 A 解析 find 找到,发现;supply 提供;spot 认出,发现;place 放置。此处指父亲在角落里发 现了一袋煤,表示偶然注意到用 find。故选 A。 33A.view Bpaint Cwear Ddesign 答案 A 解析 view 看作;paint 绘画;wear 穿着;design 设计

26、。父亲让维托把白衬衫当作是杰奎因, 把煤看成是霉运,用煤去投白衬衫。故选 A。 34A.Sense BImagine CMind DBelieve 答案 B 解析 sense 感觉到;imagine 想象;mind 介意;believe 相信。父亲让维托想象每次投一块煤 在白衬衫上,杰奎因就会遇到一件不好的事。此处指父亲让儿子假想一下,故选 B。 35A.appear Bsettle Chappen Dform 答案 C 解析 appear 出现;settle 解决;happen 发生;form 形成。此处指把所有的煤投完以后,看 看会发生什么事。故选 C。 Bsilly Cd

27、ull Dviolent 答案 A 解析 fun 有趣的;silly 愚蠢的;dull 迟钝的;violent 猛烈的。因为维托只是个 7 岁的小孩, 所以感觉这个游戏很有趣。故选 A。 37A.tight Blong Cstrong Ddistant 答案 D 解析 tight 紧的; long 长的; strong 强壮的; distant 遥远的。 根据下句“He tried again and again.” 和“but only a few on the shirt”可知,维托尽力去投,但只成功了几个。由此推断衬衫挂在远 处的绳子上,故选 D。 38A.risked Bregrett

28、ed Cconsidered Dfinished 答案 D 解析 risk 冒险;regret 后悔;consider 考虑;finish 结束。此处指维托投完了所有的煤,结果 只投中了几个。故选 D。 39A.bothered Bpuzzled Ctired Drelaxed 答案 C 解析 bother 烦扰;puzzle 困惑;tire 使疲倦;relax 放松。父亲问维托投完所有的煤之后的感 觉,他说这件事使他疲倦。故选 C。 40A.intention Blesson Cworry Dsolution 答案 A 解析 intention 意图;lesson 课;worry 担心;so

29、lution 解决方案。父亲看到儿子没明白他的 意图。故选 A。 Bmirror Ccloset Dfence 答案 B 解析 box 箱子;mirror 镜子;closet 壁橱;fence 栅栏。根据“What he could only see from his face”可知,父亲让儿子照镜子看自己的样子,故选 B。 42A.mouth Beyes Cteeth Dnose 答案 C 解析 mouth 口;eye 眼睛;tooth 牙齿;nose 鼻子。因为维托一直在抓煤投衬衫,所以弄得 脸上都黑了,只露着白色的牙齿。根据常识可知选 C。 43A.stubborn Bb

30、lack Cstupid Dgreedy 答案 B 解析 stubborn 顽固的;black 黑色的;stupid 愚蠢的;greedy 贪婪的。根据维托抓煤投衬衫 和镜子里只露着白牙可知他变成了一个“黑人”。故选 B。 44A.wonder Bsecret Cplan Dresult 答案 D 解析 wonder 惊奇;secret 秘密;plan 计划;result 结果。你想让别人运气不好,结果却是最 不幸的事落在自己头上。表示结果,故选 D。 45A.relies Bpasses Ctries Dfalls 答案 D 解析 rely 依靠;pass 通过;try 尝试;fall 降落

31、。句意参见上题解析。fall on sb.落在某人身 上。故选 D。 46A.habits Bmanners Cthoughts Dwords 答案 C 解析 habit 习惯;manner 礼貌;thought 想法;word 话语。我们的坏想法可能会使别人遭遇 霉运,但留给我们自己的污点却很难除去。此处指让别人倒霉的想法,故选 C。 47A.accept Bremove Crepair Dperform 答案 B 解析 句意参见上题解析。accept 接受;remove 除去;repair 修理;perform 执行。指除去自 己身上的污点,故选 B。 .语法填空 Many of us e

32、njoy music because of the way it makes us feel.But for chimps(黑猩猩),its nothing more than a lot of noise. Scientists from the University of York,U.K.found that chimps dont appreciate listening to music,despite their DNA 48. (be) 96 to 98 percent similar to that of humans. In the study,a “jukebox(自动点唱

33、机)” 49. (create),which allowed chimps to select their favorite classical,pop or rock music,or 50. (simple) to choose silence.The animals walked away from the music they seemed to dislike most.The study found they were less likely 51. (walk) away from classical music like Mozart than fast-paced pop s

34、ongs like those of Justin Biebers. Emma Wallace from the University of York told the Daily Mail that the fast-paced rhythm may have been 52. turned the chimps off. “53. its more possible for the chimpanzees to stay away from faster music,they did not show 54. actual preference for the slower classic

35、al music,” said Wallace.“In fact,they seem to be indifferent to both 55. (type) of music.” These results suggested that music 56. (appreciate) may be something that is unique 57. humans,according to Wallace. 语篇解读 研究表明, 尽管黑猩猩的 DNA 与人类的 DNA 有 96%到 98%的相似, 但是黑猩猩 并不喜欢音乐。音乐欣赏可能是人类独有的能力。 48答案 being 解析 考查非

36、谓语动词。句意为:来自英国约克大学的科学家们发现黑猩猩不喜欢听音乐, 尽管它们的 DNA 与人类的 DNA 有 96%到 98%的相似。despite 是介词,后面跟名词性成分 作宾语,不跟从句,又因为 be 与 DNA 之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作宾补。故填 being。 49答案 was created 解析 考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:在这项研究中,研究者发明了“自动点唱机”,让 黑猩猩选择自己喜爱的古典乐、流行乐或摇滚音乐,或者仅仅是选择安静。分析句子结构可 知,设空处在句中作谓语,主语 a “jukebox”与 create 之间是被动关系,此处指已完成的研 究情况,所以,发明自

37、动点唱机的动作发生在过去,因此,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故 填 was created。 50答案 simply 解析 考查词性转换。 句意见上一题解析。 设空处修饰不定式, 作状语, 应用副词。 故填 simply。 51答案 to walk 解析 考查非谓语动词。 be likely to do sth.为固定搭配, 意为“可能做某事”。 故填 to walk。 52答案 what 解析 考查名词性从句。句意为:来自约克大学的埃玛 华莱士告诉每日邮报 ,快节奏可 能使黑猩猩们失去了兴趣。“ turned the chimps off”是表语从句,设空处在从句中 作主语,表示“某物”,故应

38、用 what 引导该从句。 53答案 While/Though/Although 解析 考查状语从句。句意为:“尽管黑猩猩更有可能远离(节奏)较快的音乐,但是它们没 有真的表现出对(节奏)较慢的古典音乐的喜爱。”华莱士说。根据句意可知,设空处表示让 步关系,因此,应用 While/Though/Although 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。 54答案 an/any 解析 考查冠词或不定代词。句意见上一题解析。此处 preference 既可作可数名词,又可作 不可数名词, 表示泛指。 作可数名词时, 其前有以元音音素开头的 actual, 故用不定冠词 an; 作不可数名词时可用 any 修饰。 55答案 types 解析 考查名词单复数。句意为:实际上,它们似乎对于两种类型的音乐都不感兴趣。type 为可数名词,both 修饰可数名词复数,因此,设空处应用名词的复数形式。故填 types。 56答案 appreciation 解析 考查词性转换。句意为:按华莱士所说,这些结果表明,欣赏音乐可能是人类独有的 能力。分析句子结构可知,设空处作宾语从句的主语,应用名词,表示“音乐鉴赏/欣赏”。 故填 appreciation。 57答案 to 解析 考查介词。句意见上一题解析。be unique to sb.是固定搭配,意为“对某人来说是独有 的”。故填 to。