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Unit21 Grammar—Conditionals and Mixed Conditionals & Modality课时练习(含答案)

1、GrammarConditionals and Mixed Conditionals & Modality 基础巩固 .用所给动词的正确形式填空 1If you had worked(work) harder then,you would be in the university now. 2Why didnt you tell me about your trouble last week? If you had told(tell) me,I could have helped. 3If I hadnt escaped from the burning building timely,I

2、would have been injured(injure) 4If we hadnt made(not,make) adequate preparations,the conference wouldnt have been so successful. 5If you had posted the letter,Joan would have received (receive) it last Monday. 6What would you say or do if someone called(call) you a fool? 7If he hadnt been(not,be) i

3、ll,he would have done something to help us. 8You did not let me drive.If we had driven(drive) in turn,you wouldnt have got so tired. 9Should it rain tomorrow,we would have(have) to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. 10I was ill that day,otherwise I would have taken(take) part in the sports meet

4、ing. .单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误) 11He should be at home now.He is usually at home at this time. 12You need not run,for we have enough time to catch the train. 13Were it not for the clouds,you will would find the airplane in the sky easily. 14If my lawyer had been here last Sunday,he would have preventing pre

5、vented me from going. 15.Have Had you listened to the doctor,you would be all right now. .完成句子 16He was busy yesterday,or he would have helped you with your experiment. 昨天他很忙,否则他就帮助你做实验了。 17If the hurricane had happened during the daytime,there would have been more deaths. 如果飓风发生在白天的话,那会有更多的死亡人数。 18

6、You neednt have bought so much water,for there is a lot in the fridge. 你本不必买那么多水,因为冰箱里有很多。 19There cant be someone in the room,for all the lights are off. 房间里不可能有人,因为所有的灯都关着。 20She looks so happy and she must have passed the driving test. 她看上去那么高兴,她一定通过了驾照考试。 能力提升 .阅读理解 I first began experiencing an

7、xiety and depression at the age of 14 after being bullied(欺凌) at school for years.While at first anxiety and depression would come and go,it eventually became a constant part of my life. I was so eager to find the solution to overcoming my anxiety and depression that I tried everything from when I w

8、as in college to graduate school: mood- changing medication, special teas, yoga, anything I read about in books, and advice given by doctors.Despite this, I still felt I hadnt even come close to managing the problem. But one afternoon,my eyes fell upon an article in a magazine I was reading that tal

9、ked about how dogs were able to help people with anxiety and depression.The very next day,I decided to get a doga corgi.When I brought my little corgi, Buddy, home, I didnt realize how much he would change my life.It didnt happen right away,however. Once the “puppy excitement” went away,my anxiety a

10、nd depression came back as usual.One morning,I woke up with those familiar feelings again.I didnt want to get out of bed.I turned to pull the covers back over my head and gave up.Thats when I saw Buddy. Buddy started jumping all over me,licking my face,letting me know that it was time to go outside.

11、It was as if he was saying, “Theres no time to be sad; the world is amazing! ” And for the first time in my life,my life was changing.I really was a new person.This was my new beginning. Its been more than a year since that day,and Ive never spent another morning unable to get out of bed.Ive not cri

12、ed myself to sleep or spent my days stuck with fear and regret.Sure,I still have days when I feel sad or anxious.But with Buddy, my best friend, by my side, Ive finally learned how to manage these feelings and emotions. 语篇解读 本文主要讲述了作者如何在小狗巴迪的影响和陪伴下摆脱焦虑和抑郁的。 21According to the first two paragraphs,th

13、e author . Ahas been a school bully for years Bsuffered from depression since college Ctried many ways to fight depression but nothing worked Dfelt less depressed after taking medication and doing yoga 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I tried everything.Despite this,I still felt I hadnt even come close to mana

14、ging the problem.”可知,作者尝试了很多的方法来缓解焦虑和抑郁,但都 没有奏效。 22How did the author know having a dog might help with her depression? AShe read it in an article by chance. BA doctor recommended it to her. CShe heard it from some other depression sufferers. DShe found out herself after spending some time with a co

15、rgi. 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,作者偶然从一本杂志的文章上获知狗能帮助治 疗她的抑郁。故选 A。 23How does the author feel in the last paragraph? AHopeful. BAnxious. CConfused. DDoubtful. 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“But with Buddy,my best friend,by my side, Ive finally learned how to manage these feelings and emotions.”可知, 作者在小狗巴迪的陪伴

16、 下,学会了管理情绪,由此推断出作者感受到了希望。 24What is the best title for the passage? APuppy Excitement BProblem Management CGetting Rid of Stress DDefeating Depression with Buddy 答案 D 解析 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了作者在小狗巴迪的帮助下慢慢从焦虑和 抑郁中恢复的故事。 .完形填空 (2018 河南六市一模) When I was in third grade, my parents let me join an advanced

17、preparatory math class, Sigma. 25 ,I had never displayed a liking for math at school.I stepped into class on the first day thinking that I would spend a year at Sigma before leaving.On the first day of class, we 26 an hour long test.I 27 did the best I could and tried to 28 how to solve the problems

18、 I hadnt learned how to do in school.However, 29 I hadnt expected was to come 30 ! Before that day,I had never believed I was good at math at all.But as the year went on,I 31 got the highest score. When I was in eighth grade,I joined my schools math team where I was one of the 32 four students chose

19、n to 33 our school at a statewide middle school math competition.By the time I had created a 34 for myself at school as a math girl.But what drew me to the math team was that it was the first community I felt like I was a real 35 of.It was a home I 36 where everyone was as excited about 37 as I was.

20、 I stopped going to Sigma when I was in ninth grade,but I still stayed in the math team.The math team isnt like Sigmaa place to make you believe in yourself,to take 38 tests and compete to see where you are 39 relative to your classmates.The math team is the community where I have pushed myself to m

21、y 40 and have seen other people 41 themselves.And most 42 ,the math team is the place where I have met some of the kindest people I know today.Thank you, math team, for giving me friends and people I will 43 even after I go off to college in less than a year and a half.Thank you for making me feel 4

22、4 . 语篇解读 作者由于数学成绩优秀,加入了学校数学小组。在这里找到了解决问题的乐趣, 发现了自己的潜力,结交了许多值得珍惜的朋友。 25A.Therefore BBesides CHowever DLuckily 答案 C 解析 therefore 因此;besides 此外;however 然而;luckily 幸运地。上句讲父母让我上数学 预科班,下句说在学校我从来没有表现出对数学的爱好。前后句意思转折。故选 C。 26A.hated Barranged Ctook Dfailed 答案 C 解析 hate 憎恨;arrange 安排;take 参加;fail 失败。take a te

23、st 参加测试。故选 C。 27A.hardly Bextremely Crarely Dmerely 答案 D 解析 hardly 几乎不;extremely 非常;rarely 很少;merely 仅仅,只是。此处指考试时我只 是尽我所能解决问题,结果却不错。故选 D。 28A.give out Bfigure out Csend out Dturn out 答案 B 解析 give out 分发;figure out 算出;send out 发出;turn out 结果是,证明是。此处指我尽 力算出数学题答案。故选 B。 Bwhat Cwhich Dthat 答案 B 解析

24、 此处作 expect 的宾语,指没想到的事,用 what 引导主语从句。故选 B。 30A.first Bsecond Cthird Dlast 答案 A 解析 根据下句中的“I was good at math”和“got the highest score”可知,作者没想到自己 考了第一。故选 A。 31A.constantly Bgradually Caccidentally Dimmediately 答案 A 解析 constantly 不断地,经常地;gradually 逐渐地;accidentally 偶然地;immediately 立即 地。从那以后我不断地考最高分。故选 A。

25、 Bmiddle Ctop Dbottom 答案 C 解析 center 中心的; middle 中间的; top 顶尖的; bottom 底部的。 此处指我加入学校数学队, 成为最顶尖的四个学生之一。后文中的“chosen to our school at a statewide middle school math competition”也给了提示。故选 C。 33A.present Breplace Creserve Drepresent 答案 D 解析 present 呈现;replace 代替;reserve 预订;represent 代表。我加入学校数学队,

26、成为最 顶尖的四个学生之一,代表学校去参加数学竞赛。故选 D。 34A.plan Bgame Cscene Dreputation 答案 D 解析 plan 计划;game 游戏;scene 情景;reputation 名声。那时我已经在学校创造了数学女 孩的名声。故选 D。 35A.part Bgirl Cstudent Dpresenter 答案 A 解析 part 部分;girl 女孩;student 学生;presenter 主持人。我加入数学小组,感觉我是其中 真正的一部分。故选 A。 36A.felt at Bbelonged to Ccreated Dleft 答案 B 解析 我

27、认为数学小组是我真正属于的一个家。belong to 属于。故选 B。 37A.picture- taking Bproblem- solving Ctrouble- making Dlecture- giving 答案 B 解析 picture- taking 照相;problem- solving 解决问题;trouble- making 惹麻烦;lecture- giving 作报告。作者认为数学小组的每个人都为解决问题而兴奋,句中意指“解决数学题”。故选 B。 38A.fruitless Bhelpless Chopeless Dendless 答案 D 解析 fruitless 徒劳

28、的;helpless 无助的;hopeless 绝望的;endless 无止境的。此处指在数学 预科班要参加没完没了的数学考试。故选 D。 39A.taught Bvisited Cranked Dscanned 答案 C 解析 teach 教;visit 访问;rank 排名;scan 扫描。在数学预科班要考试,要排名。故选 C。 40A.competence Blimits Cclass Dability 答案 B 解析 competence 能力;limit 极限;class 班级;ability 能力。在数学小组能挑战自我,充分 挖掘自己的潜力。故选 B。 41A.push Benjo

29、y Cfind Dshow 答案 A 解析 push 推;enjoy 欣赏;find 发现;show 显示。与上句“I have pushed myself”呼应,指 每个人都把自己的潜力发挥到极限。故选 A。 42A.surprisingly Bnecessarily Cimportantly Dstrictly 答案 C 解析 surprisingly 惊人地;necessarily 必要地;importantly 重要地;strictly 严格地。此处指 最重要的是我在数学小组遇到了一些最友善的人,根据句意选 C。 43A.treasure Bknow Cpreserve Dforget

30、 答案 A 解析 treasure 珍爱;know 知道;preserve 保存;forget 忘记。数学小组给了我珍爱的朋友, 指上文的“some of the kindest people”。故选 A。 44A.pitied Bdeserted Cgraded Dloved 答案 D 解析 感谢数学小组让我有了被爱的感觉。故选 D。 .语法填空 As I write this,Im sitting on a bus back to Santiago in Chile where I am currently working as a language assistant.Ive just

31、spent the weekend in a city 45. (call) La Serena north of Santiago.I was lucky enough to see the flowering desert,a natural phenomenon that 46. (occur) around every five years here in the Atacama Desert. 47 (follow) a particularly large amount of rainfall earlier,a 48. (vary) of flowers come into bl

32、ossom.Bright purple flowers create 49. unbelievably beautiful scene at the base of the surrounding mountains. 50 (catch) a glimpse of this magnificent treasure of nature,we took a bus from La Serena to a nearby town and then rented a car to go to the desert.51. we saw did not disappoint us,and as ex

33、pected it was even more fascinating than the pictures we had seen online.The bloom was particularly 52. (impress) this year due to the strong presence of El Ni o.The vast carpet of colour 53. spread into the distance towards the contrasting green hills was 54. (simple) breathtaking and deserved a la

34、rge amount of photos! A real reminder of the beauty our planet can provide. 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了自己在 La Serena north of Santiago 度过的周末。 在这个周末, 作者看到了开花的沙漠。 这一美丽又难得的自然景观给作者留下了深刻的印象。 45答案 called 解析 考查非谓语动词。a city 与 call 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。 46答案 occurs 解析 考查时态和主谓一致。定语从句中谓语的时态和数由先行词决定。先行词是 a natural p

35、henomenon,由时间状语 every five years 可知,此处用一般现在时,故谓语动词用第三人称 单数 occurs。 47答案 Following 解析 考查非谓语动词。此处的 flowers 与 follow 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词 作状语。 48答案 variety 解析 考查词性转换。a variety of 是固定搭配,意为“多种多样的”。 49答案 an 解析 考查冠词的用法。此处表示泛指,且 unbelievably 的第一个音是元音。 50答案 To catch 解析 考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式表示目的。 51答案 What 解析 考查名词性从

36、句。此处引导主语从句且在从句中作宾语。 52答案 impressive 解析 考查词性转换。此处是作 was 的表语,故用形容词形式。 53答案 that/which 解析 考查定语从句。此处引导定语从句,修饰 carpet,且在从句中作主语。 54答案 simply 解析 考查词性转换。此处是副词修饰形容词 breathtaking。 .微写作 写作素材 (关于青少年问题) 1青少年毒品滥用已成为公众担忧的问题。 2为了禁止他们这样做,人们每年都会寻找不同的方法。 3专家建议青少年应该用知识武装头脑,将努力学习作为自己的常规事务。 4专家还建议青少年无论在什么情况下都不要失去信心,他们的努力

37、不会白费的。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用现在分词作状语以及倒装句等句型结构。 连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇 50 词左右的英语短文) Drug abuse among teenagers has become a concern of the public.To prohibit them from doing so,people seek various ways annually.Experts suggest that teenagers should equip themselves with knowledge and make it a routine to study hard,adding that under no circumstances should they lose faith and that their efforts will not be in vain.