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2020年北师大版高中英语选修7课件:Unit20 默写练习(五)

1、,Unit 20 默写练习(五),.单元知识回顾 (共50小题;每题1分,满分50分) 1.写出与assist有关的短语 (1)帮助某人做某事 _ (2)帮助某人做某事 _ (3)帮助某人做某事 _,查看答案,assist sb. with sth.,assist sb. to do sth.,assist sb. in doing sth.,2.写出与look有关的短语 (1)调查;向里面看 _ (2)留神,当心;向外看 _ (3)向上看;查阅 _ (4)看不起 _ 3.饿死 _ 4.和冲突(动作) _,查看答案,look into,look out,look up,look down on

2、/upon,starve to death,come into conflict with/conflict with,5.写出与carry有关的短语 (1)进行;实施;履行 _ (2)使回想起 _ (3)继续做,坚持干 _ (4)成功完成 _ 6.写出与present有关的短语 (1)出席;在场 _ (2)目前;现在 _ (3)暂时 _ 7.预先,提前 _,查看答案,carry out,carry back,carry on,carry through,be present at,at present,for the present,in advance,8.写出与get有关的短语 (1)使

3、被理解;把讲清楚 _ (2)(做了坏事而)不受惩罚;携带跑掉 _ (3)开始;着手 _ (4)在上取得进展;与相处 _ 9.写出与give有关的短语 (1)赠送;泄露(秘密) _ (2)发出(气味、热等) _ (3)分发;发出(热、光等) _,查看答案,get across,get away with,get down to,get along/on with,give away,give off,give out,10.写出与make有关的短语 (1)弥补;补偿 _ (2)编造;化妆;组成;和解 _ (3)辨认出;理解 _ 11.写出与take有关的短语 (1)接管;接任 _ (2)吸收;理

4、解;欺骗 _ (3)呈现;承担;雇用 _ (4)起飞;脱衣;(事业)腾飞 _,查看答案,make up for,make up,make out,take over,take in,take on,take off,12.写出与rescue有关的短语 (1)将某人从中解救出来 _ (2)来/去救某人 _ 13.写出与correspond有关的短语 (1)与某人通信 (2)与一致;符合 14.弄明白,搞清楚;计算出 _ 15.写出与turn有关的短语 (1)求助于;转向;翻到 _ (2)(音量等)调低;拒绝 _,查看答案,rescue sb. From,come/go to ones rescu

5、e,correspond with sb.,correspond with/to,figure out,turn to,turn down,(3)关上 _ (4)证明是,结果是 _ 16.写出与drop有关的短语 (1)下降;减少 _ (2)(从)辍学;退出 _ 17.写出与result有关的短语 (1)由于 _ (2)结果,因此 _ (3)因而引起 _ (4)导致 _,查看答案,turn off,turn out,drop off,drop out (of.),as a result of,as a result,result from,result in,18.写出与set有关的短语 (1

6、)建立;创办 _ (2)着手做某事 _ (3)出发;开始(做某事) _ (4)出发;使爆炸;引发 _,查看答案,set up,set about doing sth.,set out (to do sth. ),set off,.完成句子(共5小题;每题6分,满分30分) 19.The hot weather will . 炎热的天气将使得我们在地球上生存非常困难。 20.I offered her some practical advice on her study _ . 即使我发现她有些烦人,但我还是对她的学习提了一些比较实用的建议。 21.The woman was so angry

7、that she rushed into the rain,_ . 这个女人气坏了,她冲进了雨中,留下丈夫站在那里。,查看答案,make it very hard for us to live on the earth,even though/though/although,I found her a little annoying,leaving her husband,standing there,22.The young man he came up with a good idea one day. 一天,这个年轻人正坐在沙滩上,这时他突然想到了一个好主意。 23.The middle

8、-aged man was determined to set up his own company. 这个从大城市回来的中年人决心创办自己的公司。,查看答案,was sitting on the beach when,returning from a big city,.知识运用于语境(共10小题;每题2分,满分20分) Johnson is a specialist in algebra and geometry.His only recreation is 24. (science) and technical inventions.He has published many artic

9、les in some famous journals and won several patents. One day,he was invited to a seminar held by 25. enterprise.The participants were from all walks of life,including some officials,some software programmers and some futurologists. 26. (short) after the seminar began,many issues were put forward,suc

10、h as 27. (starve) in African countries,racial discrimination in America and the conflicts in Mid-east.Permanent peace,equality and happiness were 28. all the people wished for.,查看答案,scientific,an,Shortly,starvation,what,Meanwhile,some digital and electronic products 29. (present). Finally,Johnson de

11、clared that he brought two new inventions.One was a kind of liquid 30. could remove the stain on garments quickly;the other was a kind of material that could deal with 31. (poison) chemicals in rivers.He was very outspoken.He said that at present pollution was very serious worldwide and that if we permitted the situation to go on,the outcome would be hard 32. (imagine). The organizers also encouraged people 33. (invest) in poor countries. After the seminar,all the participants got beautiful souvenirs.,查看答案,were presented,which/that,poisonous,to imagine,to invest,