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1、Recycle 2单元整体分析本单元是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书四年级上册复习二。这是一个针对第四到第六单元的重点句型和重点词汇设计的综合复习单元。它以西方重要的节日圣诞节为背景,由对话阅读;听一听标序号;听一听,看一看,写一写;看一看, 问一问,答一答;歌曲;游戏等活动组成,共分三个课时。第一课时为对话阅读活动,Chen Jie 和 John 到 Mike 家里过圣诞节,见到了他们家为圣诞做的准备,以及家人,并同其家人共同进餐。通过对话,帮助学生复习了有关房间、家人、饮食等内容的相关词汇和句式。让学生在阅读中整合前几个单元学习过的重点知识,提高自己的阅读能力和口语表达能力。Let

2、s sing 为一首经典的圣诞歌曲 : We wish you a merry Christmas。可以放在每一课时里让学生感受圣诞的气氛。第二课时包括听一听为各房间标序号活动,这将帮助学生复习了第四单元中有关描述居室和人物活动的内容。以及看一看,听一听,写一写活动。表面这个活动描述了一个小女孩和圣诞老人之间的对话,实际帮助学生复习了元音字母在单词中的发音。第三课时包括 Look, ask and answer 及 Play a game 两个活动。看一看,问一问,答一答活动通过展示 John 的家人及其居室,帮助学生综合询问家人,家人的职业以及询问人在居室内的活动等内容进行交流和表达。游戏部

3、分将登山改为爬圣诞树。学生通过回答前几个单元学习过的重点问句来赢得游戏的胜利。在本单元的教学中,要以话题为中心,创设真实或虚拟的语言情境来复现、梳理、归纳知识,帮助学生听说、认读所学内容,达到巩固、迁移和提高综合语言运用能力的目标。单元教学目标 知识目标:1.词汇:复习以下各类单词:居室陈设:bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge食物餐具:beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables, chopsticks, bowl, fork, kni

4、fe, spoon家人职业:parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse2. 句型结构:能听懂、会说、认读 4-6 单元的核心句型。3. 字母与语音:复习 46 单元中元音字母 a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e 在单词中的发音规则 能力目标1. 能够运用 46 单元中有关居室陈设的单词简单描述自己的家,结合句型描述各个房间及室内家具陈设的名称、特征、位置等2. 能够运用食物餐具类单词表达用餐食物和餐具使用意愿3. 能够运用家人职业类单词简单介绍家人情况4. 能够运用句型

5、 Where are/ is the .? Are they/ Is it on / near/ in the. Its / They are .来询问和谈论物品位置5. 能够运用句型 What would you like? Id like. Would you like some.? 征求并表达用餐意愿,提出用餐建议6. 能够运用句型 How many people are there in your family? Is this your.? Whats your .s job? She / He is a .来询问对方家庭成员的信息和职业,并回答自己的家庭情况7. 能够读出符合发音规

6、则的单词;并能根据发音拼写出符合发音规则的单词。 情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标1. 感受并激发和家人互爱互助的情感2. 了解西方国家过圣诞节的文化习俗3. 进一步注意到单词音、形、义之间的联系,整体学习单词,并能够将规律举一反三地运用教学重难点 教学重点1. 能够复习、归纳 46 单元的重点词汇,并在表达中正确运用2. 能够在真实情境中综合使用 46 单元中的重点句型来进行交流, 3. 能够掌握 a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e 结构的发音规则 教学难点1. 能够正确使用所学的词汇和句型进行正确而自由的交流和表达2. 能够读出符合发音规则的单词,并能根据发音拼写出符合发音规则的

7、单词教学方法情景创设法、游戏教学法、多媒体辅助教学法、小组合作学习法教学时间本单元教学用时一周,建议使用三课时完成教学任务第一课时:Read aloud ;Lets sing第二课时:Listen and number the rooms; Look, listen and write第三课时:Look, ask and answer; Play a game知识视窗圣诞节圣诞节是西方最重要最隆重的节日,是纪念耶稣诞生的节日,又称为“耶诞节” 。圣诞节是西方以及其他很多地区的公共假日。这意味着大部分成年人将放假在家,而孩子们也不必上学。它的隆重和重要程度相当于中国的春节。圣诞节有许多传统,其中

8、关于圣诞老人传说无疑是最受孩子们欢迎的。源自尼古拉斯的圣诞老人为穿红衣,戴红帽的白胡子老人形象。相传他会统计每个孩子一年的表现,然后在圣诞节凌晨 0 时钟声敲响的时候,驾着雪橇从烟囱进入各家,把圣诞礼物装在袜子里挂在孩子们的床头上或火炉前。圣诞树是圣诞节庆祝中有名的传统之一。人们会在圣诞前把一棵塔形常绿植物放在室内或户外,用圣诞灯和各种和圣诞相关的彩色装饰物进行装饰,通常树顶上会放一颗星星。它让圣诞节变得更加美丽。圣诞节是一个家人团聚,分享爱和关怀的节日。家人和朋友之间常会寄送圣诞卡,向亲友发送节日祝福。圣诞节在每年的 12 月 25 日,12 月 24 日晚则被称为“圣诞前夜” , 又称为平

9、安夜,人们会聚到教堂举行特殊的仪式,演唱各种圣诞颂歌。近些年,圣诞文化受到越来越多国家的喜爱,中国等亚洲国家也逐渐开始庆祝起圣诞节,并形成了自己的一些传统,比如,在圣诞节前送苹果,以祝福平安等。第一课时课时内容A. Read aloud;Lets sing课时分析 Read aloud 是个阅读故事,Chen Jie 和 John 在圣诞节来到了 Mike 家里参加圣诞家庭晚宴。他们在客厅看到了圣诞树,看到了装扮成圣诞老人的 Mike 的爸爸,见到了当护士的 Mike 的妈妈。并和 Mike 一家高兴地分享了圣诞晚宴。在此过程中,学生会复习到有关居室类的词汇:kitchen, living r

10、oom; 有关家人的词汇:father, mother; 有关圣诞节习俗的词汇及语句:turkey, Father Christmas, Merry Christmas! 以及有关表述人物的位置、家人的职业、征求用餐意愿等的有关句式。在圣诞节这个大背景下,成功地综合了前三个单元的核心知识,让学生在复习相关知识的同时,了解了有关圣诞节的知识和传统,受到了文化的熏陶。Lets sing 是一首经典的圣诞歌曲:We wish you are a merry Christmas。大部分学生应该比较熟悉这首歌的旋律。这首歌能够很好地营造出圣诞的节日气氛,帮助学生在这种氛围中理解对话内容。在教学中也可以播

11、放其他经典的圣诞歌曲,为学生营造一个良好的氛围,帮助学生更好地理解圣诞文化。课时目标1. 能够正确理解对话大意;2. 能够整体认读句子,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;3. 能够理解并在情景中综合运用 46 单元中的重点句式4. 能够在语境中理解新词:Father Christmas, turkey 和语言 Merry Christmas的意思,并能够正确发音5. 能够了解有关圣诞节的文化习俗课时重难点1.重点能够正确理解对话大意能够整体认读句子,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话能够理解并在情景中综合运用 46 单元中的重点句式2. 难点能够根据具体的情境选择相应的句子进行恰当的交流教学准备1. 多媒体

12、课件、录音机、磁带2. 人物图卡或头饰、圣诞节有关的歌曲、图片、中英文介绍等教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:I wish you a merry Christmas. 学生认真倾听。教师讲授其与圣诞节的关系,学生再次倾听,跟唱学习。Teacher:I will show you a special song. Listen carefully. Teacher: What is the song about? Its about a holiday. Do you know the name of the holiday? Yes, its Christmas. (板书单

13、词)Christmas. On Christmas, people sing Christmas songs. This is a Christmas song. Listen again and try to sing with it. 2. 学生尝试演唱歌曲。Teacher:Can you sing the song? Have a try, please. 设计意图:以圣诞歌曲进行热身,为学生营造一个有关圣诞节的浓厚的文化气氛,为学生学习今天的内容做好知识和心理的准备。 Step 2 Lead in1.展示介绍圣诞节的短片或图片,向学生介绍圣诞节的相关风俗。学生认真观察后讨论。Teach

14、er:Christmas is a happy holiday. What do people do at Christmas? Lets watch and find. Teacher: What do you see? What do people do at Christmas? On Christmas, people dont go to work. Children dont go to school. They put up a Christmas tree in their living room. They put lights and a star on the tree.

15、 They write Christmas cards to their family and friends. They give gifts to their family and friends, too. This is Father Christmas. His name is Santa Claus. Children believe that he will bring gifts for them on Christmas Eve. People will sing Christmas songs. They will have a big family dinner toge

16、ther. Whats this? Its a turkey. Do you like turkey? Do you like Christmas? What do you want to do on Christmas? 设计意图:通过短片、图片等方式使学生对圣诞节有一个直观的印象。通过与学生的讨论,让学生对圣诞的习俗有基本的了解。 Step 3 Presentation1. 导读,引起学生的阅读兴趣,呈现对话内容。Teacher: On Christmas, people always invite their family and friends to their house. They

17、 will have fun together. Look, Mike invite Chen Jie and John to his house. What do they see? Lets watch and find. 设计意图:引起学生阅读的兴趣,让学生学会带着问题去听、去读,培养他们认真倾听和阅读的习惯。2. 引导学生根据自己所看、听到的内容,结合教材图片,回答问题。Teacher: What does Chen Jie see in Mikes living room? Yes, she sees a Christmas tree. Is it beautiful? Yes, i

18、t is. Who do they see in the kitchen? They see Father Christmas. Who is Father Christmas? Yes, its Mikes father. And they see Mikes mum. What do they do at last? Yes, they have dinner together. 设计意图:通过观察图片,讨论问题,带领学生获取对话中的信息,初步了解对话内容。 Step 4 Practice1.播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets read

19、the talk after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 自由读课文,分角色朗读课文。Teacher:Read the story freely. Then lets read it in roles. 设计意图:通过跟读来使学生掌握对话的正确读音。自由读及分角色读课文,使学生在不同方式的读的活动中熟悉、巩固重点句式,内化语言,提高自己的综合语言运用能力。3. 深入讨论课文内容,请学生深入理解对话内容。Teacher:Now,please tick or cross. (1) Mikes family is in t

20、he kitchen. (2) Mikes mother is Father Christmas. (3) Mikes father is a nurse. (4) Chen Jie would like some turkey. (5) John would like some juice. Teacher: What do people say on Christmas? Yes, they say merry Christmas. 设计意图:通过判断正误和回答问题等活动,帮助学生深入理解对话内容,同时加深对圣诞节的了解。4. 展示更多的圣诞节歌曲,让学生感受圣诞节的欢乐。Teacher:

21、 They say Merry Christmas at Christmas. They sing merry Christmas, too. Lets sing Merry Christmas together. Teacher: Now listen to more Christmas songs. Teacher: Do you like Christmas songs? They call them carols. 设计意图:通过歌曲帮助学生了解更多关于圣诞的知识。5. 讨论学生家人的情况。Teacher:What is Mikes mothers job? Yes, she is a

22、 nurse. What about your mother? Whats her job? Whats your fathers job? Do you have an uncle? Whats his job? Do you have an aunt? Whats her job? 设计意图:通过讨论学生家人的情况,复习有关家人的职业的有关知识。6. 小组活动,仿照教材中的圣诞,邀请同学到家里过圣诞节或其他节日,编制对话,并表演对话。Teacher: Do you want to invite your friends to your family? When will you invit

23、e them? What will you say? What will you do? Teacher: Please make a talk with your friends. You can say like the talk. Practice in groups first. (教师巡视,帮助学生解决在分配角色、编制对话上遇到的困难)Teacher: Now, which group wants to show your talk? Lets find the best group.设计意图:通过表演使学生整合学习过的知识,内化语言,提高自己的口语表达能力。 Step 5 Summ

24、ary1. 齐唱圣诞歌曲,结束课程。Teacher:You know many things about Christmas today. Do you like it? Lets sing the song We wish you a merry Christmas together. 设计意图:以圣诞歌曲结束课程,加深学生对圣诞的印象,同时让学生能够在愉快的心情中结束本课的学习。课堂作业一、下列各组中哪个单词与其他不是一类,请选出来。( ) 1. A bedroom B. chicken C. bathroom( ) 2. A. sofa B. knife C. fork( ) 3. A.

25、 cook B. farmer C. cousin( ) 4. A. uncle B. friendly C. aunt( ) 5. A. soup B. vegetable C. spoon二、读一读,选出最恰当的一项,补全句子。( ) 1. How many _ are there in your family?A. parents B. people C. doctor( ) 2. What would you _ for dinner?A. to like B. likes C. like( ) 3. Whats _ dinner?A. for B. of C. with( ) 4.

26、_ is she? She is in the kitchen. A. What B. when C. Where ( ) 5. _ is your uncles job? He is a farmer. A. What B. Where C. How many三、为下列问句选择正确的回应。( ) 1. Where are the keys?A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, they are.C. They are in the door. D. No, they arent. ( ) 2. Is she in the living room?A. A. Yes, she is

27、. B. No, he isnt. C. She is in the living room. D. He is in the kitchen. ( ) 3. What would you like for dinner? A. Help yourself. B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks. D. Id like some soup and bread, please. ( ) 4. How many people are there in your family?A. Yes, it is. B. Three.C. I can use chopsticks. D.

28、 Shes a nurse. ( ) 5. Merry Christmas! A. Yes, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. Merry Christmas! D. Yes, it is. 答案:一、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 二、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 三、1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 板书设计Recycle 2Read aloudMerry Christmas!Merry Christmas! Hes Father Christmas now. Nice to meet you. Nice to me

29、et you, too. What would you like? Id like some turkey. 第二课时课时内容Listen and number the rooms; Look, listen and write课时分析 Listen and number the rooms 活动以圣诞节夜里 Mike 家人的活动为背景,展示了圣诞老人和小精灵的对话。学生需要认真倾听他们的对话,根据听到的圣诞老人的路线,为教材中 Mike 家的各个标明序号。这个活动一方面为学生展示了有关圣诞老人送礼物的文化习俗,另一方面带学生复习了第四单元中有关介绍居室和陈设的词汇及句式。在进行听力活动之前,

30、要引导学生了解有关圣诞老人的传说,以更好地理解本活动的内容。同时,要引导学生观察图片内容,帮助他们养成在完成听力活动前先获取基本信息的能力,而且培养他们在倾听中抓住关键词汇和信息的能力。Look,listen and write 活动中呈现了一个小女孩和圣诞老人之间的对话。小女孩等不到公共汽车,向圣诞老人求助。圣诞老人无私地帮助了她,只需要一个微笑作为回报。传递了圣诞中爱与分享的文化理念。学生需要认真倾听他们之间的对话,然后将缺失的单词填在横线上的。这些单词分别是含有元音字母u 的开音节单词:use,含有元音字母 a 的开音节单词 late, 含有字母 i 的开音节单词 bike, nice,

31、 含有字母 o 的开音节单词 home, 含有字母 e 的开音节单词 me。很明显,这个活动帮助学生复习了本学期中学习到的五个元音字母在开音节里的发音。课时目标1. 能够复习巩固元音字母在开音节里的发音规则2. 能够读出符合元音字母在开音节及闭音节里的发音规则的单词3. 能够复习巩固描述居室及陈设的重点词汇及句式课时重难点1.重点:能够复习巩固关于描述居室及陈设的重点词汇及句式能够复习巩固元音字母在单词中的发音,能够读出符合其发音规则的单词2. 难点:能够根据发音规则拼写单词,完成听音填空任务教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 单词卡教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. 播放第四

32、单元中的歌曲 My home,学生齐唱。Teacher:Boys and girls, lets watch and sing the song. Where, oh, where has the TV gone? Where, oh, where can it be?Where, oh, where has the TV gone?Its in the bedroom with me. 设计意图:以这首以居室和室内陈设物品,以及物品的位置为内容的歌曲进行热身,学生可以复习相关的内容,并为下一环节的学习做好准备。 Step 2 Lead in1.展示第四单元 A 部分中 Lets learn

33、的图片,与学生讨论图片上的内容。Teacher:Whose house is this? Yes, its Amys house. Where is Amy? Is she in the bathroom? Is she in the bedroom? Where is she? Yes, she is in the study. Where are her mother and father? Are they in the study? Where is the bed? Where is the phone? 设计意图:通过学习过的内容进行讨论,复习相关的句式与词汇,为下一步的活动做好准

34、备。 Step 3 Presentation1. 出示 Listen and number the rooms 中的图片。请学生观察图片内容。Teacher:Look at this house. Whose home is it? Can you find? Where is he? Is he in the study? Where are his father and mother? Who else can you see? Where is he here? Yes, Father Christmas will come and give gifts to children. Whe

35、re does he put the gifts? Yes, in the sock. Where is the sock? Is it on the Christmas tree? Is it near the window? What colour is the sock? 设计意图:充分利用教材中的图片,通过讨论图片的内容来复习关于询问和表达人物、物品位置的句式。通过讨论交流使学生理解图片的背景,并进一步理解有关圣诞节的习俗。为接下来做好听力活动做好准备。2. 播放听力录音,学生根据录音完成活动。Teacher: Father Christmas wants to give Mike g

36、ifts for Christmas. What does he say? Does he find the sock? Listen to the tape and number the rooms according what you hear. Teacher: Please show me your answer. Teacher: Please talk about the picture and the numbers. First, Father Christmas is in the . Then he is in the . 设计意图:在进行活动之间,先对学生进行一定的提示和

37、指导。完成活动之后,让学生讨论自己的答案,为他们创造交流的机会。 Step 4 Practice1. 出示不同房间或物品的图片,与学生进行讨论、交流。Teacher:What room is this? Is this a living room? No, it isnt. Its a bedroom. Whats in the bedroom? Oh, you can see a bed. What colour is the bed? Where is the desk? Where are the books? Teacher: What room is this? Is it a ki

38、tchen? Yes, it is. Where are the chopsticks? Where are the bowls? Where is the beef? Would you like some beef? What would you like? Teacher: What room is this? Can you ask some questions like me? Please do a pair work. Teacher: Show me your talk, please. 设计意图:以这样的讨论帮助学生整合前几单元中学习过的有关描述物品位置、用餐意愿、居室及陈设

39、等相关内容,通过老师的示范引导学生如何针对图片内容提问并进行交流对话,提高学生的口语交际能力。2. 奖励学生的表现,播放与圣诞有关的歌曲。Teacher: Everyone did a very good job. Do you want some gifts? I am not Father Christmas. But I have some gifts for you. Do you like gifts? What is my gift? Its the Christmas song. I will show you some Christmas songs. Watch and li

40、sten. 设计意图:以圣诞歌曲作为活动奖励,为学生营造一个轻松愉快的课堂学习氛围。同时,使学生进一步加深对圣诞的印象。3. 与学生讨论有关圣诞的内容,引出活动内容。Teacher: Do you like the Christmas songs? Do you like Christmas? Do you like Father Christmas? Whats the name of Father Christmas? Do you want to meet Santa? A girl meets Santa. What does she want? Lets listen. 再次播放录音

41、,学生完成听音写单词的活动。Teacher: Lets listen to it again. This time, please write the words to fill in the blanks. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. 请学生读一读对话,尝试进行角色扮演。Teacher:Lets read the talk. You can read it freely. Then I will ask you to read it in roles. (教师巡视,解决学生遇到的问题)Teacher: Lets read it in roles

42、. Teacher: Lets act it out. 设计意图:通过导读帮助学生理解对话的背景。通过各种形式的读,让学生获得单词及句式的标准读音。通过表演使学生内化语言,提高自己的口语表达能力。 Step 5 Summary1. 播放语音韵句:We like the cat! 学生齐唱。Teacher:Lets chant. We like the cat! Its cute. Its cute.Hes got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! Its read. Its red. Cut the cake. Give me the

43、cake. He likes cakes. We like it, too!2. 帮助学生复习元音字母的发音,教师说出字母,学生说出发音。Teacher: What is the sound of a? What is the sound of e? What is the sound of o? What is the sound of u? .设计意图:通过语音韵句帮助学生综合复习元音字母在单词中的发音。通过语音与字母的匹配,帮助学生再次总结重现字母的发音。课堂作业一、听一听,选出你听到的单词。( ) 1 A. cute B. cut C. use( ) 2. A. rice B. red

44、 C. read( ) 3. A. six B. rice C. like( ) 4. A. cat B. had C. bag( ) 5. A. me B. he C. red二、读一读,选出下列各组中画线部分发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. me B. he C. cake( ) 2. A. name B. cat C. make( ) 3. A. cut B. cute B. use( ) 4. A. hot B. nose C. not( ) 5. A. like B. nice C. give三、读一读,判断正(T)误(F) 。Hello, Im Lucy. Im a girl.

45、Im a student. Welcome to my home. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a study, a bathroom in our house. This is the living room. You can see a big blue sofa. I like it. I watch TV in the living room. This is the kitchen. My mother is in the kitchen. What would you like for lunch? This

46、is the study. There are many book in the study. I like to read books there. This is my bedroom. Its small and nice. My bed is blue. I like blue. My desk is blue, too. I do my homework at the desk. I like my room. What about you?( ) 1. Lucy is a girl.( ) 2. There are five rooms in Lucys house.( ) 3.

47、The sofa is big and black.( ) 4. Lucys bedroom is big and nice. ( ) 5. Lucys bed is blue. 答案:一、1. cute ( A) 2. red ( B ) 3 rice ( B ) 4. cat ( A ) 5. he (B )二、1.C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C三、1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 板书设计Recycle 2bedroom living room study kitchen bathroomWhere is he?He is in the bedroom. 第三课时课时内容Look, ask and answer; Play a game课时分析 Look, ask and answer 活动中给出了 John 一家人相聚过圣诞节的情景。主图给出了 John 家房子的剖面图,可以看到不同的家人在不同的居室内活动。围绕着房子给出了他不同家人的图片学生需要根据这些图片信息,利