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本文(【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 必修1 Unit 1 Friendship Word版含解析)为本站会员(M**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 必修1 Unit 1 Friendship Word版含解析

1、第一部分 必修一 Unit 1.单句语法填空 导 学 号 424920151(2016天津卷,13 改编)You are waiting at a wrong place.It is at the hotel_that_the coach picks up tourists.解析:句意:你在一个错误的地方等待。大客 车是在旅店接送游客的。使用了强调句型,结构是:It is/was强调部分 that其余部分,如果 强调 部分是人,也可以用 who,这句话强调的是地点状语 at the hotel,故填 that。2There is no point _upsetting_(upset) ours

2、elves about it now.Look forward and everything will be all right.解析:考查固定句式。Theres no point (in) doing sth.做某事毫无意义。3By _ignorance_(ignore) we mistake, and by mistakes we learn.解析:考查词性转换。介词 by 后加名词;也可根据后文 by mistakes 推知。4I was very nervous because it was the first time that I _had_been_invited_(invite

3、) to an opening banquet.解析:考查固定句式。It was the first time that sb.had done.某人第一次做某事,所以用过去完成时;再由句意可知,应用被 动语态。5_Having_suffered_(suffer) such a heavy loss, the boss didnt have the courage to go on with his business.解析:考查非谓语动词作状语。句子主 语 the boss 与 suffer 构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用其 v-ing 形式;suffer 动作发生在主句谓语动词动作之前,故用 v

4、-ing 形式完成体。6It was the culture, rather than the language, _that_made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.解析:考查强调句型。此处强调 句子主语 the culture rather than the language。7However frequently _performed_(perform), the works of Shakespeare always attract many people.解析:考查状语从句的省略。此 处省略了 the w

5、orks are,所以填 performed。8Little is he _concerned_(concern) about how to get used to the job in the company as soon as possible, though he is still new to his duties.解析:考查词性转换。be concerned about 关心。9What the coach really doubts is whether the athlete_will_recover_(recover) from the serious disease soo

6、n.解析:考查时态。由时间状语 soon 可知,用一般将来 时。10He spoke _calmly_(calm) to them trying to pour oil on troubled waters but it was useless.解析:考查词性转换。此处所填 词修饰动词 spoke,故填副词。11If you have some trouble _getting_(get) along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice.解析:考查固定句式。have trouble/difficul

7、ty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难。12(2015北京,31 改编)If _accepted _(accept) for the job, you will be informed soon.解析:考查状语从句的省略。句意:如果你被接受这份工作,你很快就会接收通知。 If 后省略了句子的主语 you 和 be 动词, 补充完整为:If you are accepted for the job, you will be in formed soon.。13Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car _

8、washed_(wash)解析:本题考查非谓语动词。get 后跟复合宾语,宾语是 car,与宾补 wash 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。句意:在开车进城市之前,按要求你要把你的车洗干净。14When _asked_(ask) for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.解析:本题考查状语从句的省略。句意:当被 问到他对他的教学工作的看法 时,菲利普 说他觉得这份工作很有趣,很值 得。此 处用过去分词表被动,是省略的时间状语从句,补充完整为:When

9、 Philip was asked for his views about his teaching job,.。15The meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times _before_ it finally came to include the sense “pleasant”解析:本题考查时间连词。根据 finally 可知, came to include the sense “pleasant”后于 The meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times 发生,故填 before。本 题句

10、意是:“nice”一词的含义变化了数次,直到最后它才包括了 pleasant 的含义。即:在 nice 包括 pleasant 这一含义之前,其含义还有其他几次演变。.完成句子 导 学 号 42492016根据语境和汉语提示完成下列英语句子。1She was angry at first but we managed to _calm_her_down_(使她冷静下来)2There have been _a_series_of_accidents_(一连串的事故) at the crossing.Therefore, you must be careful while walking acro

11、ss it.3_In_order_to_enter_a_good_university_( 为了能上一个好的大学 ), he_no_longer_(不再) plays computer games and begins to work hard.4Circle your answers, and then _add_up_the_points_(把分数加起来 )5曾有一段时间,我的搭档汤姆跟我相处很好。_There_was_a_time_when_Tom, my partner, _got_along/on_very_well_with_me.6有一天他叫我去踢足球时,我碰巧头痛。I _hap

12、pened_to_ suffer from headache _when_ he asked me to play football one day.7据我所知,这是他第一次对我生气。_As_far_as_Im_concerned_, this _was_the_first_time_that_ he had got upset with me.8直到黄昏时刻我同他进行了一次面对面的谈话,他才意识到他错了。He didnt realize he was wrong _until_I_had_a_face-to-face_talk_with_ him at dusk.9我觉得一见钟情是可能的,因

13、为我相信世界上没有不可能的事。(find it adj .to do)I find _it_ possible _to_fall_in_love_ at first sight because I believe nothing is impossible in the world.10我不知道是不是因为老师不关心他的学习,他才常常故意在课堂上睡觉的。(it is.that.)I wonder if _it_is_because_ the teacher is not _concerned_about_ his study that he often falls asleep in class

14、 on purpose.单句改错 导 学 号 424920171Many young men disagree their parents on most things because of generation gap._disagree 后加上 with_2He did it by purpose, knowing it would annoy her._byon_3She will never forget the unhappy time she has gone recently._gone 后加上 through_4We all like Tom, who is easy to g

15、et along._along 后加上 with_5It is said that they have fallen in love with each other for two years._fallenbeen_6Would you please come and join our game?_join 后加上 in_7There was a time that when girls couldnt go to school._去掉 that_8I would be grateful for you if you could help me with my English._forto_

16、9Is this reason he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?_this 和 reason 之间加上 the_10Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, thought not entire._entireentirely_.语篇填空 导 学 号 42492018Anne was a lonely girl.But she had a friend_1._who_ could tell her everything.She lived in Amste

17、rdam in the Netherlands during World War .Her family was Jewish so_2.they_ had to hide from _3.being_caught_(catch) by the German Nazis.Her whole family hid away for a long time _4.before_ they were discovered.She made her diary as her_5._best_(good) friend.She often wrote down _6.what_ she thought.

18、She then grew so crazy about everything to do _7.with_ nature.Once she saw a moon at night, which was the first time in a year and a half that she _8.had_seen_(see) that beautiful scene face to face.What _9.a_ poor and brave girl she was! In her mind she thought nature was one thing that _10.really_

19、(real) must be experienced.教材原句 导 学 号 424920191Are you afraid that your friend would laugh_at_you, or would not understand_what_you are going through.解析:第一空 laugh at 是固定短 语,意 为“嘲笑” ;第二空考 查宾语从句,go through 后缺少宾语,故填 what。2Thats changed_since_I came here.解析:考查现在完成时态。句意: “自从我来到这儿,那已经变了” 。3I am only able

20、to look at nature through dirty curtains_hanging_(hang) before very dusty window.解析:考查现在分词短语作后置定语。修 饰“curtains” 。4Another time, five months ago, I_happened_(happen) to be upstairs at dusk.解析:考查一般过去时。根据 “five months ago”,可知用一般过去时,故填 happened。5Its no pleasure_looking_(look) through these any longer be

21、cause nature is one thing_that_really must be experienced.解析:第一空考查句式“Its no pleasure doing sth.”;第二空考查定语从句,that 代替先行词并引导定语从句。6Add up your score_and_see how many points you get.解析:考查并列连词,and 连接两个并列动作。7I am having some trouble_with_my classmates at the moment.解析:考查句式“have some trouble with.”。8Ive got

22、tired_of_looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.解析:考查固定搭配“get tired of”意为“厌倦了” 。.话题写作 导 学 号 42492934用本单元所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。1我的朋友李明经常为一些小事而心烦,不能冷静。My friend Li Ming_is_often_upset_about_some unimportant things and cant_calm_down_.2我们的同学们都很厌烦他,不理睬他。Our classmates_are_all_tired_of

23、_him_and_ignore_him_.3我们的老师们很关心他并且跟他面对面谈了很多次。Our teachers_are_concerned_about_him_and talk to him_face_to_face_many times.4一天,他患了重感冒。One day,he _suffered _from_a_bad_cold_.5老师和同学们立即把他送往医院,并悉心照料他。Teachers and students sent him to hospital without delay and _attended/looked_after_him_carefully/took_go

24、od_care_of_him._6康复之后,他很感激老师和同学们。_After_he_recovered_,he _was_very_grateful_to_his teachers and classmates.7从那时起,他开始与同学友好相处。From then on,he began to _get_along/on_well_with_ his classmates.8在我看来,老师和同学们的爱和关怀使他彻底转变了。_As_far_as_Im_concerned_,love and care from the teachers and his classmates has change

25、d him _entirely_.组篇公式:句 3 改为分词短语作状语;句 8 用强调句型。答案:My friend Li Ming is often upset about some unimportant things and cant calm down.Our classmates are all tired of him and ignore him.Concerned about him, our teachers talk to him face to face many times.One day,he suffered from a bad cold.The teachers

26、 and students sent him to hospital without delay and attended/looked after him carefully/took good care of him.After he recovered,he was very grateful to his teachers and classmates.From then on,he began to get along/on well with his classmates .As far as Im concerned, it is love and care from the teachers and his classmates that has changed him entirely.