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本文(【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Word版含解析)为本站会员(M**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Word版含解析

1、第一部分 必修一 Unit 5.单句语法填空 导 学 号 424920971_Having_devoted _ (devote) almost all our time to our schoolwork in the past three months, we have almost no time for fun and play.解析:考查非谓语动词。逻辑 主语是 we, 状语表示过去的时间 in the past three months,因此用现在分词完成式。2The wetland park is _equally_(equal) attractive in spring and

2、autumn, for the weather is pleasant in both seasons.解析:考查副词。句意:湿地公园春秋两季同 样迷人, 这两个季 节的气候都很好。由句意可知,填 equally,意为“同等地” 。3An increasing number of products made in China are _of_ good quality but much less expensive than those from abroad.解析:考查介词。句意:越来越多的国 产货质量很好,价格比进口的便宜很多。be of good quality“质量好的 ”。4Duri

3、ng the past few years, the time and money he has devoted to _planting_(plant) trees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value.解析:考查短语动词。句意:在 过去的几年里,他投入了很多时间和金钱在偏远山区植树,现在被认为很有意义。devote .to. “把投入到” 中 to 是介词。5In the great fire, he was fortunate to escape _being_killed_(kill)解析:考查 escap

4、e 的用法。句意:在大火中,他很幸运地逃脱了死亡。escape doing sth.“逃脱做某事” 。6Its important to learn to take a positive attitude _to/toward(s)_ life when you are _in_ trouble.解析:句意:当你处于困境时,学会 对生活保持乐观的态度是很重要的。名词 attitude 后用介词 to 或 towards;in trouble“处于困境中” 。7In time we reached a stage _where_ we had more young readers than ol

5、d ones.解析:考查 stage 后定语从句的关系词。句意:最终我们到了一个新读者比老读者多的阶段。在定语从句中缺少地点状 语,故 选 where。8Because of too much homework, gone are the days _when_ we can play day and night.解析:考查定语从句。句意:由于太多的作 业,天天玩的日子一去不复返了。定 语从句中缺少时间状语。9For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill set _up_ my own business som

6、eday.解析:句意:这些年来我一直为别人工作。我希望有一天可以开 创自己的事业。 set up“设立;创立” 。10_Only_ when his wife put photos of her injuries on the web did he apologize.解析:助动词提到了主语之前,所以填 only。句意:直到他的妻子将受伤的照片放在网上时,他才( 向妻子)道歉。11Theres no reason to be disappointed.As _a_ matter of fact, this could be rather amusing.解析:句意:你没有理由失望。事 实上,

7、这可能会非常有趣。as a matter of factin fact 事实上,实际上。12Only when you can find peace in your heart _will_ you _keep_(keep) good relationships with others.解析:本题考查部分倒装结构。句意:唯有找到内心的宁静,方能维持人际关系的和谐。“only副词/介词短语/状语 从句”置于句首时,句子(主句 )要用部分倒装语序。本 题中,时间状语从句 when you can find peace in your heart 被 only 修饰,且置于句首,故主句用部分倒装结构

8、。注意:如果 only 修饰的不是状语而是主语,则不能用倒装。如:Only he was invited.只有他受到了邀请。13Students should involve themselves in community activities _where_ they can gain experience for growth.解析:本题考查定语从句引导词的选择。句意:学生 们应该积 极参与社团活动,在 这些活动中他们可以获得成长的经验。分析句子 结构可知,本句的先行词是 community activities,将其移到后面的定语从句中为:they can gain experience

9、 for growth in community activities 由此可知关系词代替先行词在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,故用 where 引导。14The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform _where_ visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.解析:本题考查定语从句。句意: 博物馆将在春天开放,到时有展览和游客们可以在观光台上观看正在建设中的玻璃房子。分析 结构可知,此 处 the viewing platform

10、 为定语从句的先行词,从句缺少地点状语,要用 where 引导。15Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be_equally_(equal) respected.解析:句意:任何一个人,不管是政府官员还是汽车司机都 应该同样受到尊敬。equally“相等地,同等地” 。.完成句子 导 学 号 424920981After he _came to power_(上台执政) ,President Obama carried out _a great number of_(许多) new policies on econ

11、omy.2In 1952, Nelson Mandela _set_up_a_law_office_(成立一间法律办公室) to _offer_guidance_(提供指导) to help poor black people to defend themselves.3I would like to sincerely express my thanks to _those_who_help_me_in_trouble_ (那些在困难中帮助我的人)4Having got the support from her family, Mary _devoted_herself_to_(全身心投入到

12、) her career.5只有当你对未来充满信心时,你才会竭尽全力去克服你所面临的困难。(only状语从句)_Only_when_you_are_confident_of_your_future_will_you_ try your best to overcome the difficulty you face.6我第一次见到他,就不得不为他的敬业精神所震撼。_The_first_time_I_saw_him_, I was shocked with his _devotion_to_his_career_.7以我之见,即使你失业也不要灰心。_In_my_opinion_, never_l

13、ose_heart_ even if you are _out_of_work_.8他不仅为人大方,乐于助人,还积极参加许多课外活动。(部分倒装句)Not only is he generous and willing to help others , but he also takes an active part in after-class activities.9如果你陷入困境,请随时向我求助。If _you_are_in_trouble_, please _turn_to_me_for_help_ at any time.10事实上,是你的勤奋在你的英语学习中起到了关键的作用。(强调

14、句)_As a matter of fact , it is your diligence that plays an important role in your English study.单句改错 导 学 号 424920991After he heard the bad news, his face took on a worrying expression._worryingworried_2Several hours later, with the help of the police, the students managed to escape the dangerous pl

15、ace, hungry and frightened._escaped 后加上 from_3The man was sentenced 10 years imprisonment for robbing the bank._sentenced 后加上 to_4He led the workers in fighting the war._fighting 后加上 against_5As the matter of fact, social customs vary in different parts of the world._the 改为 a_6That football team had

16、 won no games and it lost its heart._去掉 its_7Dont be worried ,because there is nothing to worry._worry 后加上 about_8Madame Curie, devoting to science, was a great woman._devotingdevoted_9There are many cards for you to choose._choose 后加上 from_10It worried the public was that Phelps should take drugs._

17、ItWhat_.语篇填空 导 学 号 42492100My name is Elias.I am _a_ poor black worker in South Africa.The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.I was twelve years old.It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer to _whom_ I went for advice.He offered _guidance _(guide) to p

18、oor black people on their legal problems.He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.I needed his help _because_ I had very little education.I began school at six.The school _where _ I studied for only two years was three kilometres away.I had to leave because my family could not continu

19、e to pay the school fees _and_ the bus fare.I could not read or write well._After_ trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine.However, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook _to _live_(live) in Johannesburg.Sadly I did not have _one_ because I was not born there, and I worried about whethe

20、r I _would_become_(become) out of work.教材原句 导 学 号 424921011The time _when_ I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.解析:考查定语从句。从句中不缺主 语和宾语,故用关系副词;先行词为 time,故填when。2We first broke the law in a way _which/that_ was peaceful.解析:考查定语从句。从句中缺少主 语,且先行 词 a way 指物,故填关系代词 which 或that。3

21、It was very dangerous because _if_ I was caught I could be put _in_ prison.解析:第一空考查连词,表条件,故填 if;第二空考查固定短语, “ prison”。4As _a_ matter of fact, I dont like violence.but in 1963 I helped him blow _up_ some government buildings.解析:考查固定短语,as a matter of fact 意为“事实上” ;blow up 意为“爆炸;炸毁” 。5We were put

22、into a position _where_ we had either to accept we were less important, _or_ fight the government.解析:第一空考查定语从句,从句中不缺主 语和宾语,且先行词 position 表地点,故填关系副词 where;第二空为“either.or.”“要么,要么 ”。6He was generous _with_ his time, _for_ which I was grateful.解析:第一空考查 be generous with 意为“在慷慨” ;第二空 “be grateful for”“因而感

23、激” 。7We read books under our blankets and used anything we could find _to_make_ (make) candles to see the words.解析:考查不定式作目的状语。8Since I was better educated, I _got_(get) a job working in an office.解析:考查时态。主从句时态 一致,此 处 since 表示“原因 ”。9He said they should not _be_stopped_ (stop) from studying for their

24、degrees.解析:考查被动语态。 “stop.from.”表示“阻止做” ,stop 与 they 之间为动宾关系,故用被动语态。10They were not _cleverer_ (clever) than me, but they _did_ pass their exams.解析:第一空为比较级;第二空强调谓语动词,注意 时态。.话题写作 导 学 号 42492938用本单元所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。1我第一次听说史蒂芬霍金时,就被他的奉献精神所感动。The first time I heard of Stephen Hawking, I was moved by

25、his devotion to the research .2在日常生活中,他处于很大的麻烦之中。As for his daily life,he is_in_great_trouble_.3只有求助于电脑时,他才能讲话、阅读和写作。Only when he_turned_to_the_computer_was_it_possible_for_him_to speak,read and write.4他对世界的贡献是无与伦比的。His contributions to the world_have_no_equal_.5在我看来,任何东西都无法回报他对科学的贡献。_In_my_opinion_

26、,nothing could be_in_reward_for_his_contributions_to _science_.组篇公式:加入适当过渡词。答案:The first time I heard of Stephen Hawking,I was moved by his devotion to the research.As for his daily life,he is in great trouble.For example,only when he turned to the computer was it possible for him to speak, read and write.However, his contributions to the world have no equal.And, in my opinion, nothing could be in reward for his contributions to science.